Parents & Visitors



Welcome Parents! If you are reading this then you are probably working with, and supporting your daughter as they search for the right education. Helping in this process can be both exciting and challenging, and we hope we can be of help to you..

Kiburara Alpha & Omega Sec School is a very unique and special christian school and we hope that as you look around you will find the information you need to help your daughter make this very important decision. From the application process, to school fees, to knowing how to support them during their first year till they complete their National Examinations, we will help you to see them through this important stage of education which defines their career aspirations.

We recognize the enormous role you the parents of our dear students have played in getting your child ready for secondary school education. To those of you who have chosen Kiburara Alpha & Omega Sec School, we are honored that you have entrusted your child to us. To those of you still deciding, we encourage you to encourage your sons & daughters to attain the required grades for entry as this school might well be the best choice for your child.

KAOSS is registered with Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) under Reg No. PSS/K/417 and Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) under Centre No. U2991 for both A” and O” Level.

We are pleased to welcome your family as part of Kiburara Alpha & Omega Sec School family and look forward to sharing these next years together.